The group, having found some stability in a region,... an animal population that replenishes itself often enough feeding on plants and grasses in the area that also come back quickly enough to keep the herd from moving too far away... decides to establish a small settlement. Members who dedicate themselves to activities outside of hunting and gathering find more time for creative endeavors, children can be looked after and educated while mothers and fathers are out in the fields and groves procuring food for everyone. Everyone in the group, that is.
One can now imagine...
A more powerful group comes into the region and realizes quickly that the available animals, plants, grasses, etc... may not be sufficient for the survival of two groups. So, the original, weaker group is driven out. For the group that lost its hold on something that seemed to be a gift from whatever god or gods they worshiped, despair is likely to follow. And, in the lean months or years, they might come close to dying off completely.
But, then, one can imagine...
A small group of scouts from the larger, wandering group follows some tracks in the dirt and mud around a small mountain ridge, and in the valley below an amazing sight presents itself. The scouts rub their eyes in disbelief for a moment, and then unrestrained excitement ensues. Uncountable numbers of animal herds are spread out across the most fertile grounds they've ever encountered as far as their eyes can see.
And, they know that the game has changed.