Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Profoundly Unsophisticated Approach to Life

If there's anyone who should write a book with the above title, then it's this guy right here...

Admitting the gamble

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone about to board a plane who would say with complete confidence that there was absolutely zero chance of that hunk of metal machinery falling out of the sky during that flight.
"Hey, you could be killed just walking out your front door in the morning, right?"

"Yes, and you could be killed in your sleep the night before."

Not admitting the gamble

You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who would say that getting divorced is no big deal.
"Hey, sometimes you've got to do tough things; if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out, right?"

"So, you'd get married with the belief that it might not be for life?"

"No. of course not; marriage isn't something to be taken lightly."

"What if your future spouse were to cheat on you?"

"I'd get a divorce, no question about it. But, I wouldn't marry someone I couldn't trust completely, so..."

"But, could you guarantee, 100 percent, that your future spouse wouldn't cheat on you?"

"Like I said, I wouldn't marry someone who I thought might do that."

"But, it is possible for them to do so, right?"

"So, what do you suggest, not getting married at all because there's a risk?"

"I'm not suggesting anything... So, you're admitting there's a risk?"

"Well, I guess... I mean, we're just having a hypothetical conversation aren't we? If I actually thought there was a chance of my partner cheating during our marriage, I wouldn't marry that person."

And, so it goes...

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